Attendees: Sylvia Armstrong Peterson, Herbert E. Batchelder, Janien Benson Thomas, Charles Bent, Peter Bergholtz, Harry Bowen, Nancy Briggs Muse, Carol Byrne Parker, Patricia Cain Riley, Marcia Call Furman, Dr. J. Thomas Chess, Patricia Comstock Pond, Robert V. Condon, Brenda Crovo Stevens, Betsy David, Donna DeGroot Kelley, Richard V. DeLong, Joan Dicey Wurster, Pauline Doherty Murray, Edward L. Donley, George H. Drury, Caroline Dube Bochman, Robert L. Ducker (F), Rolinda Durgin Vars, Barbara Ellis Machera, Gail Emerson, Jane Fowler Spurling, Elaine Gaw Graham, Ralph S. Henderson, Margaret Hill Richards, Robert W. Holmes, Lorraine Horn Spinney, Ernest L. Hutchinson, Marcia Johnson Gaudette, Sandra Johnson Helverson, N. Bruce Kay, Robert A. Kelleter, Janice Kimball Wood, Barbara Kitch Young, Jane Land Zais, Nancy Larson Firth, Brenda Lehmann Donley, Mary Jane Leslie Clark, Janet Lincoln Penninger, Joseph W. Long, Janet Lundberg Porter, Cecile Martel Brennock, Marguerite M. Martin, Rosalind McCullough Boyle, Ann McManus Morris, E. Howard McQuesten, Jr., Sandra Moore Bartlett, Ruth Munroe Douglass, Curt E. Nitzsche (F), Russell E. Norton, Jr., Janice Noseworthy Stacey (F), Carol Oldenbrook Twyon, Paula Perry Sotelo, Patricia Raymond Condon, Edward K. Regan, David A. Riley, Richard D. Roberts, Martha Russell Handel, Beverly Savage Tierney, Susan Searle Downey, Donald F. Sillars, James C. Stone, Jr., Ruth Ann Sullivan Wood, George F. Swenson, Edward J. Taylor, Jr., William E. Tilley, Josephine Turilli Doherty (F), Judith Van Horn Smith (F), Ruth Janet Vars Taylor , Patricia Walsh Hicks, Edward B. Wendell, Marjory White Kenney, Judith Wilkinson Morgan, Susan Worthen McCombs, William C. Zimmer.
(F) indicates Friday night attendee only.
June 30,2012
Eddie Hickman, Don and Sarah Sillars, Jeff and Ruth Janet Vars Taylor , Joel and Paula Stephens Hammer.June 30,2012
Ted and Janice Kimball Wood, Bob and Patty Raymond Condon, Richie and Ann McManus Morris, Jack and Patty Walsh Hicks
June 30,2012:
Dennis and Marcia Call Furman, Martha Russell Handel, Dolly and Eddie Regan, Bill Woglum and Ruth Munroe DouglassJune 30,2012:
Jack and Pauline Doherty Murray, Mary Jane Leslie Clark, Dick and Stephanie Davidson, Carol Byrne Parker, Donna DeGroot KelleyJune 30,2012
Larry and Margy White Kenney, Tom and Carol Chess, Sharon and Bruce Kay, Joyce and Peter BergholtzJune 30,2012
Dick and DeeAnn Burgess, Bill and Lorraine Horn Spinney, Bruce and Caroline Dube Bochman, Sandra Moore BartlettJune 30,2012
Don and Janien Benson Thomas, Betsy David, Charlie Bent, Marcia Johnson Gaudette, Nancy Shealey Merritt, Harry and Phyllis BowenJune 30,2012
Barbara Ellis Machera and Charlie Bergeron, Joe and Alice Long, Herb and Susan Batchelder, Bill and Fran TilleyHarry and Phyllis dancing
the jitterbug after dinnerHarry sang his rendition of “The Class of ’57” by The Statler Brothers. Dancing followed the Dinner. Dancing followed the Dinner. Dancing followed the Dinner. Dancing followed the Dinner. Sandy and Lorraine in foreground
Susan, Betsy, Nancy and MarciaRoz, Marcia and Nancy Bill, Sandy, Roberta and Lafayette
Carol, Tom, Ruth Janet, Jeff, Bob and MarthaCindy and Bill Eddie, Dolly and Marti
Martha, Bob, Carol, Tom, Jeff and Ruth JanetMartha, Bob, Carol, Tom, Jeff and Ruth Janet Pauline, Dick, Bruce, Stephanie, Jack
Bruce, Larry, Marge and SharonLorraine, Sandy, Bill, Lafayette, Roberta and Judy. Curt, ReRe, Roz, Tom and Betsy
Curt, ReRe, Roz, Tom and BetsyMarcia, Susan, Ruth Ann, Caroline, Lorraine and Cindy Marcia, Susan, Ruth Ann, Caroline, Lorraine and Cindy
Marti, Jan, Jeff, Janet, Sandy and Charlie